Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Lure of Money "The Earthly Way"


Lure: Something that tempts or attracts, especially one with a promise of reward or pleasure;

People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

Frequently we worry about money. We are in awe of it. It is the world’s measuring stick of accomplishments. The world tells us that we will succeed and gain respect if we earn enough money. The world’s life is determined by money, money status, money power, money obtained from work, money needed, the fear of not having enough money in the future and the fear of losing the money presently in hand.

We think about money more than we think about God. We can end up worshiping money and have no time to worship God. Money can displace God from our lives. It becomes our god. I’ve seen myself, and many other people who are very interested in the Lord, do it. When we are focus on money, we think about it in such a way that we worry and are not at peace.

The deceitfulness of riches is the money promises everything; it appears to give some things, but in reality it gives nothing. In the end, money lets us down. When we worry that we won’t have enough money to meet our needs, we’re not trusting the Lord to provide. Were forgetting His eternal perspective. We’re allowing our fear of running out can be worse than actually running out.

That worry is more harmful for us than any decreased financial status. It ages us, it changes our judgment, it consumes and controls our lives; it takes us away from God. “The love of Money” puts us in bondage. How can we worship God on Sunday and cheat on our taxes-or anything else-throughout the week? The mind games we play show that we are devious and not devoted to God. We are being untrue. Money is NOT worth cheating. We fool ourselves if we think finances are of such great importance. There has to be a balance!!

Our true worth is not measured by having money in the bank; or by having cars and houses. Our true worth was measured on the cross and is reflected by our response in faith and thanksgiving to Jesus’ death and resurrection. The cash we live by is the presence of Jesus in our lives.

Counting the cost 

Here’s a favorite exercise of mine. If I start getting too worried or anxious about a situation, I like to take a step back from it. Maybe I even step up to a mirror, look at myself in the face, and ask, “Is this worth the worry?” Jesus poses the same questions:

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. ~Luke 12:6-7s

God loves us and treasures us as His children. He has everything under his control for all eternity. All we need to do is remember to look to Him and let Him provide. Praise be to God for his infinite wisdom and mercy!  Amen James Gillis, M.D.

See Principals for Possessing Your Promise God’s way… my next blog]

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